August 3

Medicare at 50: Much Accomplished, More to Do

When Medicare was enacted in 1965, more than half of Americans over 65 had no health insurance. The fact that Medicare provided affordable, basic health insurance was a huge boon for older Americans and their families (and eventually, people with disabilities, who were added to the program in 1972). But, despite the tremendous successes of the program over the past 50 years, Medicare can do more to safeguard older people and those with disabilities. While major strides have been made in providing coverage for medications and preventive services, Medicare still lacks coverage in three important areas — eye care, hearing aids, and dental care — no matter how extreme the need. These are all key to health and well-being. Oral health and dental care are particularly important for older people and people with disabilities, who are often more vulnerable to infection, malnutrition, and serious illness. Unfortunately, efforts to clarify and expand Medicare’s coverage of dental services have been stymied. At best, non-routine dental services are only sometimes covered — when they are coupled with exacerbating medical conditions and generally only after lengthy appeals. Medicare contractors regularly deny coverage for nearly any care that has to do with the jaw or mouth. This was not the intent of the law. The Center for Medicare Advocacy frequently hears from beneficiaries with urgent health issues who cannot obtain even extraordinarily complex dental and oral health services due to inappropriately broad Medicare denials.

For the article from The Hill, click here.

July 30

Home Health Agencies Get Medicare’s Star Treatment

The federal government has released a new five-star rating system for home health agencies, hoping to bring clarity to a fast-growing but fragmented corner of the medical industry where it’s often difficult to distinguish good from bad. Medicare applied the new quality measure to more than 9,000 agencies based on how quickly visits began and how often patients improved while under their care. Nearly half received average scores, with the government sparingly doling out top and bottom ratings. The star ratings come as home health agencies play an increasingly important role in caring for the elderly. Last year, 3.4 million Medicare beneficiaries received home health services, with nurses, aides, and physical and occupational therapists treating them in the home. Medicare spends about $18 billion on the home health benefit, which provides skilled services that must be authorized by a doctor, not housekeeping care that some elderly pay for privately. For both the government and patients, Medicare’s home health visits are one of the least expensive ways to provide care, and the system has been especially susceptible to fraud. Assessing quality is often challenging for patients and their doctors, who must authorize the visits, often just as patients are leaving the hospital.

For the article from Kaiser Health News, click here.

July 27

Associated Press Publishes State-by-State Analysis of Medicaid Expansion Statistics

AP has published a series of reports examining the success of state efforts to expand Medicaid coverage and the financial repercussions. Related stories show projected and actual enrollment figures for the newly eligible Medicaid population in the 30 states and the District of Columbia that have opted to expand the program under the federal Affordable Care Act.

For the article from Kaiser Health News, click here.

July 22

Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to Test Concurrent Coverage of Hospice and Curative Care

Terminally ill patients no longer will have to give up curative treatment to receive Medicare-paid hospice care, under a limited new program the CMS will start testing with 140 hospice providers as early as January. The Medicare Care Choices Model, established by the Affordable Care Act, waives the requirement that terminally ill patients must end curative treatment such as chemotherapy to qualify for Medicare hospice coverage. The model, which will run through 2020, will test whether the expanded benefits will convince more patients to enter hospice and whether it improves care, enhances patient satisfaction, and reduces costs. Under the Medicare Care Choices Model, patients can continue to receive curative services such as physical therapy, prescriptions, medical equipment, physician services, and short-term hospital visits for pain or symptom management. Instead of getting a per diem payment, hospices will receive a Medicare monthly payment of $200 to $400 per patient for any hospice care that patients need. Meanwhile, other providers will continue to be able to bill Medicare for curative services. The program will launch in two phases with the first hospices entering in January and a second wave to begin in January 2018.

For the article from Modern Healthcare, click here.

June 15

House Bill Would Make Income from Community Spouse’s Annuity Available to Medicaid Applicant

New legislation in the U.S. Congress would change the way income from a community spouse’s annuity is counted for the purposes of Medicaid eligibility. The bill would make a portion of the income available to the institutionalized spouse.

In April 2015, Rep. Markwayne Mullin (R-Okla.) introduced H.R. 1771 to amend the section of the Medicaid law dealing with the treatment of income (42 U.S.C. 1396r–5(b)(2)). The proposed amendment would provide that if the annuity pays income solely in the community spouse’s name, one-half of the income will be considered available to the institutionalized spouse. The same thing is true if the annuity pays income to both the institutionalized spouse and the community spouse. If the annuity pays income to the community spouse and another person, then one-half of the community spouse’s portion will be considered available to the institutionalized spouse.  The legislation has been referred to the House Committee on Energy and Commerce.

To read the proposed amendment, click here.

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