June 27

Geriatric consultation with trauma surgeons improves outcomes for elderly accident victims

An immediate consultation between trauma surgeons and a geriatrician improves multidisciplinary care of elderly accident victims and the sensitivity of the family to the patient’s ongoing health care needs. The process also demonstrates the role of the hospital’s trauma surgery service as a foundation for creating comprehensive clinical pathways for acute and follow-up care of vulnerable elderly patients, according to a study published online in the Journal of the American College of Surgeons in advance of print publication. Researchers compared processes of care and clinical outcomes before and after a trauma surgery program that began in September 2013 and automatically referred patients age 70 years and older for geriatric consultation. The approach used in this study triggered a consultation with a geriatrician whenever an elderly patient was sent for trauma surgery.

For the article from the EurekAlert, click here.

June 23

Hybrid Long-Term Care Policies Provide Cash and Leave Some Behind

A relatively new option for those who wish to buy long term care insurance is a hybrid policy that packages coverage for long-term care with a universal life insurance policy or a fixed annuity. Such products can be tapped for reasons other than long-term care and even passed on to heirs, although the amount available for other uses is reduced if you use the hybrid to pay for long-term care. Sales of such hybrid or combination products have more than doubled since 2008 to more than $2.4 billion last year, according to Limra, an insurance industry research group. In comparison, $300 million in stand-alone policies for long-term care are sold annually, which are now actively sold by only 16 insurers, compared with nearly 100 a decade ago, as companies face higher costs and drop out of the market. A hybrid policy for long-term care works by keeping a certain amount of cash within the policy.

For the article from the New York Times, click here.

June 20

Wisconsin Details Changes to Care for Disabled, Elderly

A revamped Medicaid program for more than 55,000 disabled and elderly Wisconsin residents will involve three agencies in each of three regions, health officials said Wednesday. The program will continue to allow people to hire their own caregivers if they want, the state Department of Health Services said in a “concept paper” about the changes. The state budget last year called for changes to the Family Care program and an alternative called IRIS — Include, Respect, I Self-Direct. Dane County and seven other counties that haven’t switched to Family Care will have to adopt it. The changes, expected to begin next year, are designed to keep spending in check for a population that makes up 20 percent of Medicaid enrollment but 40 percent of the Medicaid budget, with long-term care expected to cost $3.4 billion this year, officials said. The agencies running the new program, some of which could be from out of state, may eliminate many current providers. Public hearings will be held Monday in Eau Claire and Madison.

For the article from the Wisconsin State Journal, click here.

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